17 kesäkuuta, 2014

Dorothy L. Sayers: Kuka ja mistä?

Whose Body? (1923)
Dorothy L. Sayers
suom. ?
WSOY 1997
253 sivua
sarja: Lord Peter Wimsey #1

BC-löytö, vapautettu
GR: 3/5

This is the first Lord Peter Wimsey mystery that I remember reading. I think I borrowed one from the library as a kid but didn't finish it then. It was a nice, light read, Wimsey himself is quite a humorous and funny character and other characters are also pretty interesting, especially Bunter.

The mystery was relatively good, a bit different, though I did figure it out quite early. There is some room for improvement in the next novels, so I am only giving this one three stars. I might pick some others to read, if I am looking for a classic detective story in the future.

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